Telegram delivery in the United States

Pricing & delivery information

Choose which service is best for you, low-cost Mailgram or speedy First-Class Priority Telegram with our 100% delivery guarantee.

Need to cancel a contract?

We'll meet your deadline same-day guaranteed. Even if it's a minute before midnight.

CAD $27 includes up to 100 words

$ £ €

A real telegram delivered by the postal service usually within 3 to 5 business days. An exceptional value for sending telegrams at our lowest price.

First Class Priority Telegram
CAD $48 + $1.05 per word

$ £ €

Delivery: Usually within 24 hours Monday-Friday. Telegrams to hotels / hospitals / funeral homes can be delivered on weekends. Rural / Alaska / Hawaii / P.O. Boxes may take longer.

Options available with a First Class Telegram:

  • FREE PhoneGram included! (Phoned any day you request)
  • Signature required upon delivery (for business addresses only)
  • Proof of delivery, with detailed delivery information

B2B pricing shown. VAT or GST will be added for customers in EU/UK/Canada.

iTelegram is trusted by America's best-known companies: